Panel Representative Make Up

Your Safer Neighbourhood Panel has representatives from the following Organisational types:-
Churches, Education, Local Traders, Resident Associations, Youth Charities, Neighbourhood Watches, and Housing, we also have the benefit of a visiting Council Officer and the Ward Councillors

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

JusB reaches its Target

JusB, 51 College Road, Bromley, Kent, BR1 3PU
Tel: 020 8464 2722

£25K target reached – means key youth charity can survive

Bromley charity JusB who faced closure at the beginning of this year is very pleased to announce that it has reached its target of raising £25,000 before the end of June. Raising this sum before the deadline ensures that it will be matched pound for pound by a generous donor, Roger Paice. JusB staff have worked exceptionally hard to ensure that the target was achieved, but it would not have been possible without the support of groups and individuals who have been very generous in their giving.

JusB Project Manager, Ned McWhirter says:

“This is wonderful news and I am delighted for everyone who has been involved in this campaign and very grateful to all those who support us. It was extremely touching when we got gifts from those who were giving whatever they could afford, especially in these difficult times. I am also delighted for the young people of Bromley because it means JusB can still be there for them when a number of other advice and youth centres in the borough are closing down”.

With this good news the JusB centre can now start thinking about running a summer programme for young people; this will involve three weeks of adventure activities like rowing, high ropes and dry ski slopes (please contact the centre for details).

If you would like further information about JusB then please call 020 8464 2722.

What is JusB?

JusB is a community based youth charity in Bromley. We provide a safe place for young people to ‘Just Be’ and provide:
·         Youth centre work. Where young people can gain new skills, meet people and widen their horizons.
·         Advice, guidance and information. We love empowering young people to help themselves by accessing employment, education or training.
·         Detached youth work. Getting into schools to meet young people where they’re at.

JusB, 51 College Road, Bromley, Kent, BR1 3PU                   
Tel:  0208 464 2722                  
Fax:  0208 464 2822
Mob: 07941695165

Co. 4867114             Charity 1099401     

Contact:          Ned McWhirter, Project Manager